Thursday, March 18, 2010

Travis's 16th Birthday

Travis had his Birthday yesterday, Sweet 16, how nice, only problem was he kept on telling dear ol Dad that he was going to "take me on" when he turned 16. Well we kept it a secret about just how he was going to take me on.

We sang Happy Birthday just after Mutual, my cousin, Robert Dowdle's, wife Tia made this very creative cake, she really pulled out the stops on the design
Now the Beat Down
he didnt
know anything
about the big pillow gloves.
He has been sweating
bullets for months
And as you can
see Dad prevails..
There is a full album on the web albumPosted by Picasa

1 comment:

Sara said...

Travis, what a handsome man you are! Is that what you're going to do on your first date? Love the slideshow. Kev, you are too creative. The cake, the "take me on" surprise. I am impressed! The cake is incredible down to every last detail. We will be awaiting what festivities will happen when Ryan turns 16.